
Sunday, March 22, 2009

KBU Prom 2009 !!!

Ah, finally got myself to blog about this ^^. Was sleepy and tired for the past 2 days to do so in the first place.

After a few days of outfit hunting with my housemates, finally got a vest that suits the occasion. Well, can't really say fit, as the theme was "Au natural" and Prom goes Green, but nonetheless it cut it. ^^ I think in total we went to places like One Utama, Curve, Cineleisure, IOI and Megajaya just to look for 'the' vest. Imagine that, 4 or 5 guys following me to look for a single vest, haha! (not trying to send out the wrong message here kay :D ). So, this is a sneak preview on what I bought..

Cost me about RM 150 for the whole thing =.=

Well, doesn't look too impresive right now, but it fits perfectly at least. The best part is, it's only S-Size man! Nice!!! So, after some prep on Friday evening, me, Tham, Ken Wee and Jason was ready to go. Took me half an hour to fix my hair, but in the end ended up with my usual messy hairstyle le. So wrong -.- Another wrong scene was with our outfits. I was wearing the same vest with Tham, same shirt design with Ken Wee, and Tham had the same tie with Tham. OMG, what would people say? :D

Went to venue at One World anyways, got ourselves registered, and met up with some classmates. Wasn't too happy with the 'planned' table arrangements though. We sat on a seperate table from our classmates due to last minute seat plannings :(. But heck, just have to enjoy la. Still, the first let down was no juice or booze provided. Haiz... have to buy our own drinks @.@

The event started with our Dato Teo giving a speech and he started with the magic words... tadadada... "Oh, Shit!". Hillarious guy isn;t he? =D Everything was mediocore at first until they introduced the Prom King and Queen candidates. Go Elaine and Ong !!! Forgot to snap a pic of them, so I'll save it for next time la. The fun part was when the candidates had to perform to win our votes. It's a no brainer that us Engineering guys would vote for Elaine and Ong right? Magic Boy and his beautiful Queen made an impressive magic performance. Having a prediction made on how the arrangement and number of over turned cards that he and the volunteers have shuffled. Every prediction that he made was on the spot and amazed us all.

Another good thing was the lucky draw session. A girl from our table got one of the best and biggest lucky draws, and our table got the table luck draw too. So we were considered quite lucky la. Can't remember much about the night though. The food was great as I haven't ate proper good food in ages =p.

For sure, one of the highlights of the evening was the Prom King and Queen nomination. No~~ we got second ! What a bummer, but the winners were great. Having chipmunks like voices narrated them in their performance, audiences were really entertained. Still, I can;t get out one lame joke from my head, " What is the Christian name of a horse?" Can you guess it? It's "Peter". You wanna know why? Cause it's 'Horse-Peter' as in Hospital....


Last performance was a cool break dance like any other prom night. Not too shabby. Never thought that our college had such awesoime talent man. Truly enjoyed the last performance. Before long, the prom ended, and the long awaited DANCE FLOOR OPENED. We actually partied to way after midnight !

We were waiting for this all night =D

Nothing much to say. Coz many things could have been done better in my opinion. Still it's the best event done by KBU in ages. Salute! So, ending this post with some self pics taken on that night

Mirror Shot

3 Guys in Black

Men In Black

Class Shot doing a certain Lecturer Pose ^^

Bored in the washroom

No~~ My Cool Pose ruined le...

Conclusion..... I have lousy picture taking skills and looks... >=p

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