
Sunday, March 29, 2009


Earth Hour was on Saturday, and did you guys turn off your lights? I certainly did, but after some tiresome reasoning with my mum of coz. According to her, "It's only for factories as they pollute the earth the most and ... " Well, she has a point, but WHICH FACTORY ON EARTH OPERATES AT 8.30 PM ?!?! Well, she felt a bit bad after that, so she joined in turning off the lights and air-conditioning from the empy rooms in the house (Ain't I a good son? ^^). In the end, only the lights in the living room was left on. So, for the whole hour I just played carom with my sis, cuddled and took my dogs out for a walk and watched the neighbours playing candles on the roadside. (Candle playing sooo reminds me of good ol' Taman Medan days.. sob.. sob..). Overall was okay, as we joined in a noble cause =P

Anyway, today (a.k.a Sunday was a bit enjoyable. Turns out to be that today was the Anugerah Cemerlang and PIBG Annual Meeting back at my old secondary school, PU1. I totally forgot about it till Mum reminded me last night. Woke up at 9, but played some games and watched video till 10 plus before i even got out of bed XD. Hurrily and got ready, before i sped all the way back to my ol' school. The reason I'm back here today was to ask for a letter of referral my very beloved principle.

Got there too early, so I just picked up my sister, sent her home, had lunch and doubled back again -.-". Well, at least throughout the wait, got to see some ol' teachers, had some heart some talk, laughed, and waited some more... At about 2, it finally was over and got to meet the principle alas. Gosh, that was a long wait =). So, successfully got his permission for the letter, and met Pn. Usha on the way out. She kinda seem shock to see me again. Well, who wouldn't as I've never been back for months. =P

BTW, i got a weird compliment or so it's called from my teach, Pn. Habsiah:

"Dulu, bila ada darurat berlaku kat sekolah, hanya perlu panggil Abang Shi Min dan Kak Elli, dan semuanya ok"

Seems wrong to me somehow =.="

To wrap things up this time, it was a fun weekend. Able to experience close to total darkness, played some good ol' carom, met some teachers, remember the 'good' old times back in Taman Medan and Secondary School and all these somehow rekindered my spirit a bit. Just shows how far I've come since the dreaded past. So, all I can do now is survive and take on my own path. Till next time , Ciaoz!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Interesting Day

Today was quite a special day. Woke up at about 8.30 to prepare for college (Classes starts at 11 -.-"). Since I had to leave from Puchong, so have to wake up early kay. Anyways, fully prepared by 10 and joined parents at local coffee shop for my usual chicken shredded hor fun meal =D. Can't believe that I actually ordered that. Ever since the original 'Popo' who sells it retired due to illness, some weird guy took over as the new cook. Yucks!!! Barely have any taste or flavour left in it. I so miss the ol' Popo's noodles...

So, went back to the BU house at about 10.45, unpacked, went to college afterwards and even managed some time for some coffee. Never had an early coffee in ages man. Felt so refreshed going into Mr. Tham's class for once. ^^

Classes ended at 12.30, and now have to hurry back to Puchong to celebrate sister's birthday. Although the real occasion is tomorrow, Dad decided to celebrate it today, as everyone would be busy tomorrow. Had an awesome dim sum and chinese styled lunch at Thai Thong. The waiter was super blur though. We kept asking for 'Thim Chiong' a.k.a. thick soy sauce for the dim sum, but he kept bringing us bowls of chilli sauce. Real retard...

All ended well, as it was the first time in months the whole family was together for a meal ^^. So, here I went hurrying back to college again. Almost forgot that i promised Kim for ping pong and badminton today :p. After some hectic jam, made it back just in the nick of time. Managed to learn how to play ping pong again. It's been like 10 years since I last play, and i seriously forgot everything! A bit embarass to play, but still managed to win 2 double rounds :p.

Next up was badminton. First had a warm up session with Jason Pang. Bored of waiting for Kim to come back from fetching his wife, continued with another session with Ken Wee and another guy we just met today. In the end played like 4 rounds before he finally came. Walao, a direct 5th round with Kim killed me. lost flat 15 to null. O.O (embarass more than ping pong now...) after some 5 mins rest, played doubles with kim against Pang and Ken Wee. Arg, we deuced at 14 all, and then lost at 6-4. That was a real shame =D

After badminton, Kim decided to bring us to some Korean Restaurant in Sri Hartamas, Mont' Kiara to eat. So we all went back, changed, and assembled again before heading out. I so hate Fords now. A big white one got between me and the gang's cars in a small alleyway, All of a sudden he stopped without warning and didn;t move like for 2 or 3 minutes. By the time he moved, the gang have already long gone. So had to scour around for a while before finally meeting up and found a nice parking space. Kim brought us to some Korean BBQ restaurant called Daorae Restaurant. Was quite nice as I never been such a place before. (Actually once at Alvin's appartment, but it sucks terribly. Sorry Alvin ^^). Finally got the pictures up. Enjoy =P

Daorae Restaurant in Sri Hartamas

Our personal grill

Someone trying to heat it up with 'hei-gung'. Watched too much Dragon Ball, haha

Side dishes to wrap with the meat we ordered

The Daeji Gal Bi (marinated pork with some sauce)

Something like Kimchi Soup, but much milder, the Budae jjige (a.k.a. military soup)

Jason who can't eat spicy bracing himself

My Personal Soup (quite spicy also le, but super nice ^^)

We also got a free Korean Pizza which was quite nice too. Too bad everyone chowed down on it before I could take any photos. So better luck next time. Total bill was about MYR 210, so was considered ok la. KIm said it was way over priced, but what do we know right? We just liked the food >=). So, that's all for now. Ciaoz

Sunday, March 22, 2009

KBU Prom 2009 !!!

Ah, finally got myself to blog about this ^^. Was sleepy and tired for the past 2 days to do so in the first place.

After a few days of outfit hunting with my housemates, finally got a vest that suits the occasion. Well, can't really say fit, as the theme was "Au natural" and Prom goes Green, but nonetheless it cut it. ^^ I think in total we went to places like One Utama, Curve, Cineleisure, IOI and Megajaya just to look for 'the' vest. Imagine that, 4 or 5 guys following me to look for a single vest, haha! (not trying to send out the wrong message here kay :D ). So, this is a sneak preview on what I bought..

Cost me about RM 150 for the whole thing =.=

Well, doesn't look too impresive right now, but it fits perfectly at least. The best part is, it's only S-Size man! Nice!!! So, after some prep on Friday evening, me, Tham, Ken Wee and Jason was ready to go. Took me half an hour to fix my hair, but in the end ended up with my usual messy hairstyle le. So wrong -.- Another wrong scene was with our outfits. I was wearing the same vest with Tham, same shirt design with Ken Wee, and Tham had the same tie with Tham. OMG, what would people say? :D

Went to venue at One World anyways, got ourselves registered, and met up with some classmates. Wasn't too happy with the 'planned' table arrangements though. We sat on a seperate table from our classmates due to last minute seat plannings :(. But heck, just have to enjoy la. Still, the first let down was no juice or booze provided. Haiz... have to buy our own drinks @.@

The event started with our Dato Teo giving a speech and he started with the magic words... tadadada... "Oh, Shit!". Hillarious guy isn;t he? =D Everything was mediocore at first until they introduced the Prom King and Queen candidates. Go Elaine and Ong !!! Forgot to snap a pic of them, so I'll save it for next time la. The fun part was when the candidates had to perform to win our votes. It's a no brainer that us Engineering guys would vote for Elaine and Ong right? Magic Boy and his beautiful Queen made an impressive magic performance. Having a prediction made on how the arrangement and number of over turned cards that he and the volunteers have shuffled. Every prediction that he made was on the spot and amazed us all.

Another good thing was the lucky draw session. A girl from our table got one of the best and biggest lucky draws, and our table got the table luck draw too. So we were considered quite lucky la. Can't remember much about the night though. The food was great as I haven't ate proper good food in ages =p.

For sure, one of the highlights of the evening was the Prom King and Queen nomination. No~~ we got second ! What a bummer, but the winners were great. Having chipmunks like voices narrated them in their performance, audiences were really entertained. Still, I can;t get out one lame joke from my head, " What is the Christian name of a horse?" Can you guess it? It's "Peter". You wanna know why? Cause it's 'Horse-Peter' as in Hospital....


Last performance was a cool break dance like any other prom night. Not too shabby. Never thought that our college had such awesoime talent man. Truly enjoyed the last performance. Before long, the prom ended, and the long awaited DANCE FLOOR OPENED. We actually partied to way after midnight !

We were waiting for this all night =D

Nothing much to say. Coz many things could have been done better in my opinion. Still it's the best event done by KBU in ages. Salute! So, ending this post with some self pics taken on that night

Mirror Shot

3 Guys in Black

Men In Black

Class Shot doing a certain Lecturer Pose ^^

Bored in the washroom

No~~ My Cool Pose ruined le...

Conclusion..... I have lousy picture taking skills and looks... >=p

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

SHU Demo

From the momentful night last Friday in Shang Ri La, I finally got to see Mr. TIm Mulroy again for the last 2 days. This time he wasn't here for any mingling or chit chatting, but for our interim demo instead. Arg!!!

First day started off well. My PIC was working, car was working, all was ready. Good things don't last long as they say, and it's so true. :( My car's remote control short circuited and blew, hence now having no means of showing the front end of the project. OH SYET!!! Ok, ok, so had a plan B on Tuesday, use op-amps and directly connect to the car's motor. Yea, problem solved... NOPE, NOT YET!

I think i'm having bad luck again. Since my usual curse of bursting anything i mingle with is back. First of all, I can't even connect the op-amp properly, as it is just as simple as connecting the legs here and there. That's freakingly weird @.@. Then after finishing the config, I was stunned on why it is not driving the car's motor. Turns out to be that the speed motor has also burnt! OMG!!!! At least the servo motor is still ok. But, am i just going to demo turning left and right from the servo meh?

Haiz, so ended up demo-ing the PIC and some circuits in Multisim. What a stupid retard event. What are the chances of the car blowing up just on the day before demo day? Still, another event stunned me more. Despite the many malfunctions and misshaps from me and anothe group member, my group leader seems unphased. Ok, acceptable, as a group leader, he must remain calm all the time. BUT... he totally freaked out when he lost a pair of scissors that belonged to our supervisor. And when I said freak out, I mean it! Shouting all about for it, searching high and low, complaining and whining a bit... (-.-)" What were the odds man.

My legs are already cramping up from gym and walking in curve, cineleisure and Tesco today. Was shirt hunting for prom. Now torn between a grey sleeveless cardigan or a slick black vest. Personally pick vest, and already have a clear image of what i want to wear now. So, just hope that I can find something cheap and slick by Thursday :P

Signing off due to lack of leg strength...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Delightful Week

Another week had ended again. Nothing more than a blogpost to past the time right? LOL. Nothing interesting happened during the weekdays this time. Since it was assignment week, mostly spent the time testing my VHDL coding on the DE1 board and helped those who asked for my help in debugging theirs :p. Too bad I'm not good in it though. But, haha, took me 3 days to fully complete my coding :D ( If you minus out the past 2 weeks that I've been lazy to fix the errors la, LOL )

So, in the end finished on time, demo-ed and the only response I got from my lect was, "Uhm, Ok". WTH? (It's heck, not what you think kay ^^) After all the so called hard-work, I just got some small gesture. Wow, guess my work didn't shine out like the rest. Haiz....

Friday the 13th

Next on the agenda was the SHU reception on Friday night. Wow, was all I can say. In a sense that it was Terrific and "OH MY GOSH" at the same time. First of all, we only got informed on Friday morning that the event has been brought forward today evening, and the venue has changed from KBU Hall to the usual Shang Ri La Hotel Ballroom. WOW!!! COOL PLACE!!!! But why tell us now? Ended up in rushing back in the evening, took my bath, fancied up and back to college again at 5. Just in a nick of time to catch the shuttle van fetching us there. Phew... Just had no time to take a pic of my formal outfit :p

It was nice at first. When I arrived just noticed that... I WAS THE ONLY YEAR 3 THERE !!! What a damper... So had to 'mix' around with the Year 2's who were there. Somone actually told me "I have nothing to do right now, so that's why I'm eating" :D
But it was cool. Saw many girls and guys of coz... form the other course and intake. Another Happy moment man. (PS: I'm not a perv like some people who would stare at their body the whole night, kay -.- )

Soon, Adam, Sanny and Jega from my class came and I didn't felt that lonely anymore. All was fun, mingled around, gain new info on studying in UK and SHU, knew more about 'The Artic Monkeys' from the Uni Town Councellor, got a totally free 1GB thumbdrive and all. ^^

Twilight's Extremely Contempted Already!!! Also got tempted to go clubbing by coursemate, but couldn't go, since had to fetch someone back :(

Saturday, 14th

Ok, today went to lab and tested my project coding. turned out that I forgot to save my last session in the lab. NO~~ So had the freaking rebuild the coding from scratch. OMG!!!! TOok me like 2 hours to refresh my head and build everthing just like new. With demo coming up on Tues, hopefully it's ready.

In the eve, went to KLCC for the pre and post graduate convention. Sooo jealous on Taylors and INTI when I saw many people, especially girls flocking to their booth to sign up. ARG!!! But not bad, KBU had some noticeable crowd though :D

Best highlight of the day was MY BEST LUNCH EVER!!!! It was at the RASA Foodcourt in Suria. Okay, now try to imagine a hot waffle on a plate, with choc sauce, choc ice-cream, nuts and a bit of sugar sprinkled on top! Felt so wrong, yet os right :D It felt just like Heaven eating that. Too bad that i forgot to take a pic. So going back there again :p The only pic I took was a retard. Look Below ^^

Anyone Need one? :P

Blog ends here. Want to get started on my report for tomorrow. Ciaoz

Monday, March 9, 2009

Jolly gosh, It's May !!!

Aiks, May is here, May is here!!!

This means that i have only 2 more months left to complete my project. Right now, I'm stuck at the pre-fabrication process, which was supposed to be done in January !!! Daskete !!!! Not forgetting, Mr. Tim Mulroy from SHU is coming over on the 16th to inspect our latest work. According to Miss Chan, she wants everything to look as if we are on schedule. So that means that I have to finish at least the remaining 3 circuits, and integrate all of them together in like... 6 days !!! With my VHDL assignment going haywire on me on the last min, and a paper that i almost flunked... finiding it hard to concentrate le...

OMG... (where's a right Tzuki emoticon when u need one -.-")

In case you are wondering, Tzuki is the white rabbit that we constantly see in MSN emoticons and such. Turns out to be it's from some China Uni students who had too much of a spare time. Creative ain't they? Jealous of their free-ness ^^

Burying the bad news away...
Prom is near, and mua's still dateless. I'm still afraid to ask a certain person out again. It's been too long, and way way wrong to do so now. But if I don't, I'll end up going with 4 guys and one girl instead. No~~~ Really want to ask someone from my college though...

So, openly advertising myself here. Anyone wanna go with me? As a true gentleman, of coz I'll pay for my date's tickets, keke. As lame as it might be, just dun want my last prom to be a small wreck away from a total disaster like the last time. So, signing off for now, Ciaoz!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


It's the weekends again, so it's me and relax central at sweet ol' home Puchong. Well, I've been sleeping the whole day today, so nothing much to blog about. Instead, let's turn back time to a few days back k?

Erm, on Thursday me and my usual frens went to 1 U latest pizza attraction, Pizza Milano. At first glance, it looks like a normal pizza outlet that took over the previous Dome Cafe. But it's hidden features seriously lied in the taste of their food. Wow, the food was really nice man. All fresh hand-made pizza, super delicious pasta, and ornament of desserts. It's so many turfs higher than Pizza Hut and Dominos :p.

My Spaghetti which was awesome. Rich taste and warm too ^^

The Chicken Pepperoni pizza (Yum yum)

Kemin and his chicken Lasagna. (Sorry for the angle, Alvin took the pic)

Well, didn;t have time to take much pics coz the food was more interesting to eat, hehe. We even bumped in Mr. Lye a few times that day. First saw him and Pizza Hut then at Popular. After all the effort that Kemin tried to avoid him (since he was his supervisor and all), he practically just walk up to Mr. Lye and said "Hi sir!!!" -.-"

Anyway, rushing for dinner now, so cheers~~