
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Waking up to a retarded day

Post is dated for April 12th, Monday...

This was undoubtedly one of the shittiest day so far. Woke up at 7 sharp, as opposed to my usual 8 for my 10 o'clock morning classes. Wasn't because of the early sunlight, but rather the obnoxious sounds, from both in and outside of the house. Who on earth laughs to comedy shows and blasts their speakers, and plays loud Gaga songs on the street! Not my way of starting my 1st day of the new semester.....

Well, in the end, got FORCED to go for classes early, and reached at 9.45 sharp. Normally the lab doors are opened by now, but somehow the lecturer forgot to open it! (Another kick in the gut). After 30 mins of waiting, there were still no sign of him. So we went to seek him and asked if there's actually any class in session. Turns out that the time-tabler got it wrong. He actually requested for a 11 o'clock class slot in a DIFFERENT LAB! When asked why, he just replies, the system is faulty... (Right... blame the system... :S)

The only bright side from all of this morning mess was, I got to bump into one of my other lecturer, Dr. Steve. He actually shares the same office with the lecturer one in question above. He told me that I got a "CLEAR First Class Distinction" on my module assignments. Well, that was enough to bright up my mood for the day, or so I thought...

Okay, bit mix of Good and Bad so far. Still equally balanced to tip off my mood. So let's move on shall we? Next, spent some time in the library reading and searching for some electronics book before going back for the 11 o'clock lecture. This session was supposed to discuss the specifications for our MATLAB coursework that would bear 50% of our final marks. Before easter, I was told that I could pick the wireless communication between 2 PC using MATLAB and sound as a Carrier topic. However, over the long break, he decided to change it to something else, and only allow this earlier title to be included if we 'COULD MANAGE' to finish up the pile load of specifications before it. Go figure...... mood dropping high time low...

AH! Great, so now my entire coursework has changed! No biggie, I'll just have to spend some extra time doing it. When leaving the class, something rather peculiar hit me on the head. (No, I don't mean a giant fly or mosquito, but wouldn't that be cool~)

Why is there only 5 people out of 40 who took this coursework title?

Suspicious much.... Fast forward, to 2 o'clock now...

After classes, I finally went to see my potential supervisor, Dr. Ahmad Lotfi, who is terrific in robotics and cybernetics! So far, he always shown in depth knowledge of the 2 disciplines, and these 2 topics have always intrigued me since I was like 4, maybe? Well, the meeting didn't turn out much as expected though. After a brief discussion with him, it appears that he is no longer allowed by the university to take any MSc projects! His reason was, the university deems him too busy and along with some other sensitive issues.

Well, if the only robotics supervisor in the entire CIB (my engineering building's name) can't take up projects, who can? The retard part here is, if you take away robotics from cybernetics, you typically have bread crumbs of it left.... no brainer much.... =.="

So right now, I'm doomed as an egg cracked onto a hot frying pan, as I can't find a supervisor. (Well, that wasn't much of a proverb, is it? ) Anyways, deadline for everything is approaching in a weeks time, and no one can replace him. Well, I got one or two personal suggestions from Dr. Ahmad on who to ask as a secondary option, "BUT" his main advice was "TO CHOOSE ANOTHER TOPIC OR AREA AS A PROJECT"

HELL NO! I've been wanting to do this since I remembered, and I'm not faulting away now. Wish me luck as the hunt for a supervisor now begins~

Signing off... Ciaoz

1 comment:

Setsuna F Seiei said...

I guess Cybernetics and robotics have kinda been the to put it in simpler terms, the smart kid that sits at the back of the class. Either that or the University you are in does not advertise the subject as much as their other courses... Unless I'm wrong.

Anyway, Mondays have always been... The darkest of days among the seven days in a week so if bad stuff happens to you on Monday, count on the rest of the remaining days to be A-Ok.