
Monday, April 19, 2010

Interim Demo Day

Putting aside the fact that I still have no supervisor for my project, I still had to focus on other stuffs for now. The main priority of the week was completing the Group Design work before demonstrating it in an interim demo to the lecturer. Things shave been going great so far. The micro controller is working, sensors all A-OK, the mechanical design for the base and component placement are done and many others were ahead of actual schedule (Wait, we had a schedule? o.O )

Well, being one of the few groups with an actual running robot in the demo area, is good enough as an achievement for us. So... introducing our design, the SmartVac, a automated self sensing and cleaning vacuum! Unfortunately it's quite naked as the exterior casing design works have not yet begun... :D

Just a few sensors connected to the controller. Nothing special

I thought a side view would look cool. What says you?
From the top

So this is the group project that we've come up with. Took us some time to actually get started as all of the components arrived late. Add a lazy 2 weeks of easter in, and you have a months worth of slack time :p

Next stop, install the vacuum and design the casing. Nuff said~

Here's a vid of the robot in action. Still have some bugs to kick out though...

That's all for now. By the way, the hunt for a supervisor still continues...


P/S : My lecturer says my English is unusual. Anyone care to comment on that? -.-"


Setsuna F Seiei said...

What does your lecturer mean by unusual? Is it the slang? The style in which you deliver your sentences? Your vocabulary? Face problem?????

The vacuum cleaner is not wearing any pants... So I can see it's JJ.

Simon said...

Well, he didn't want to comment. He just say

"It's weird and unusual, but still correct to some extent"

That sentence been bugging me for some time

and... there's no JJ there!!!