
Sunday, April 11, 2010

March and early April updates

"A Thousand Apologies..."

hehe, let's see anyone can guess where that catch line came from

Negligence is such an easy thing to do these days. I started off this blog to document my daily rantings online. But look at the freaking hiatus time I was away! Aww man, I need someone by me just to crack a whip and get me back into blogging mode =)

Ahem! Pushing aside the whip crack joke~ nothing much can be said about March. At first, I thought of piling up my assignments and projects for easter. Since I wasn't planning to go anywhere this month, it was the perfect plan! This way I could also save up money for May, where i'm planning a pre summer holiday plan. So this was the original plan la. Well organized right? I actually managed to plan a months time ahead! XD

Something unfortunate or rather surprising happened before my plan got set in action. So happened that I got all frust and emo with one of the society here. Frankly speaking, the way they organize is crap, and well, i know since I handle a few fair shares of my own before! Well, maybe I was dealing with some other stuffs too, but they are all sensitive issue alltogether. So lets leave it 'hush hush' shall we?

Finally, I ended up cooping up in the lab for 2 days straight from 10am till 5pm everyday. The result you ask? I actually got ALL of my reports, assignments and programs up and running! Amazing isn't it? Dear ol' procrastinator here managed to finish up his work. So what's left for Easter? O.o

Since Easter was my first and well deserved holidays, I spent most of my time going out for movies with friends, catch up on animes, English Series and even finally Dota again! BTW, did anyone noticed that the Medusa in 'Clash of the Titans" is so like a rip-off from DotA? I mean, sure she's hot with the scaly tail and snakey knot free hair, BUT A FREAKING BOW?!? Come on, it can't get more dense than that, can it?

Lookey! I can stare people to stone, and I hold a Bow!

Oh yea, I also managed to get a haircut! As usual, the winds are a pain to deal with. Mendoksei! Well, it ain't good looking like any of my previous hair cuts, but at least it's short!

Well, what can I say?

Looks bad? Yes
Still get a bad hair day after a walk in the city? No
More convenient while walking out? Yes
Lur'bing it? HELL YES!

That's all for now from March. Will update again as soon as I can find someone to crack that whip at me. Ah~ (masochist in the house!)



Setsuna F Seiei said...

He... He... He... You finally ask... *takes out whip* WHACK!!!

You actually think Medusa is hot? You poor deluded person you... That's it... No more DOTA for you... Next thing you know you will say the Faceless Void is Handsome!

Unknown said...

no no, bristleback is handsome, death prophet is cute, and witch doctor is manly =)