
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Remembrance Day

Guess what? It's Remembrance Day today in nottingham. Every year, around this time, everyone would gather around chatting about their loved ones who had an untimely death. Remembering the fond memories of the laughs they had together, the fights and arguments and sometimes the special one-of-a-kind memories about them. So, everyone in the city today is in a bit solemn mood over Remembrance Day. Soft and slow songs are played everywhere to remember the passed aways. May it be a lover who's loved you, a parent who cared for you, siblings who you fought with a lot as a child, family member who's not too close, the neighbour down the road, a best friend since primary school or even a distant relative, they are all remembered and honoured today.

For me, I'm going to honour 2 of my relatives on this faithful day. The first would be my maternal grandmother who passed away in 2006. Whe suffered from a brain stroke and was in a coma state for a few weeks. She finally passed away quietly in her death. Her last hours were peacefull as family members who she always cared and loved were by her bedside.

The second would be my dear aunt who passed away recently. Unfortunately, she got contracted wit the the infamous deadly flu during the mid of the year. Her death was sudden, but all of her dearest friends, family and relatives were there to pay their final respects. Today would be a long day for me, as I'm going to honour them in my own little way. No games and slacking of today as I'm going to study as hard as possible. Even though it's just for a day, in my heart I'm just showing my gratitude in my own way that I will not waste this short life of mine. We will never know when 'the time' finally comes and regrets after that would be useless. Signing off~

~From ashes to ashes to ashes, dust to dust. May you be gone, but you'll always be remembered and cherished~

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