
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fireworks and Bonfire

This time, I went to the Bonfire and Fireworks event at the Forest Recreation Ground. Every year, on the 5th of November, the people here would gather round and watch the fireworks display, while a giant bonfire brightly lits in the middle of the field. This yearly event is to actually commemorate a certain guy, named Guy Fawkes. The story was, back in 1605 he tried to BLOW UP THE HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT! What a way to go! To 'congratulate' him on his great effort, the people here hold this event every year for him ^^

The initial mini-fireworks

Tried my best to be there and arrived just nicely at 7.15 pm. The timing was nice as the mini fireworks have just started. Guess they just wanted something early for-show to attract more people to come and to watch the bonfire later on. The place was rather crowded when I got there. Had to squeeze my way here and there to get to the bonfire place. Almost an entire ONE THOUSAND people showed up for the night! IMAGINE THAT!!!!

People crowding the area
As far as the eye can see!

Some people were even enjoying themselves by playing with lil' fireworks

Putting aside the fireworks, people did come early for the fun fair rides! Food stalls were set up, games booths for couples and kids, amusement rides for the thrill seekers, and best of all, the local radio station Fly FM was also there. (Yupz, Fly FM, version UK!!!). Well, you didn't expect one thousand people to show up JUST to see some measly little fireworks display did ya? ^^ (Oh wait, that only happens in Malaysia, haha!)

The Big Swirl that spins horizontally, then turns straight up to spin vertically

The Big Spin that has spinning seats attached all around it

Super Bungee that shoots you HIGH UP into the air!!!

Bonfire Starts!

After the initial mini fireworks display, the bonfire finally starts. It was just pile after pile of crates left at the centre field, and someone just runs over and to burn it. Not much to see though. Was really disappointed at it as we were expected to JUST WATCH the crates burn from a distance for like an HOUR plus! At least have some folk dancing or singing around the bonfire la! Even we Scouts know better, haha! What a let down... =(

The main event finally started at 9 pm sharp. Massive amounts of long anticipated fireworks were shot into the air lighting up the dark skies! I think the whole thing lasted for about 25 minutes. The whole thing was filled with non stop displays of vibrant pyrotechnics and music in the background. It started of with a gospel like music and fireworks flinging in casually from left and right repeatedly. Soon, it picked up pace to a faster tempo beat and more colours and varieties of fireworks were added soon after.

On the final 5 minutes note, they finally pulled out all of the stops! GIANT amounts of fireworks were shot, which was like 3 times more than the ones before! The music changed to something like from Star Wars and the sky was totally bright with it! After 25 mins of ooh and awe-ing, the final shot was up! This final display was the best! Like any fireworks display, the finale was a massive one time shot of all the remaining fireworks and it went *BANG*BANG*BANG*BANG* with all possible colours! (I think I saw one that blew up with a black light =P ) With that, audience applaused and so ends the long awaited display ^^

Moments before the Final Shot

The Great Finale!

Video taken during the starting of the 9 pm show
(Cam memory was running low, so the duration's kinda short)

P/S : Despite my rambling on how nice it was, I still prefer Malaysia Fireworks over this anytime! It was just refreshing to see something so grand after being here for so long ^^

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