
Saturday, June 5, 2010

251st Day

It's been 250 days here in the UK and the days keeps on ticking by! Rejoice for crossing the 200 day mark you say? Maybe later, as I got tons of work piled up and 1 final week of torture to go through. Everyone that I know of right now is so riled up about the end of the semester and have already preparing for the 4 months long worth of summer break. For those who have finished their exams, I see them jollying about everywhere, while the remaining ones are studying hard to make sure that their past few DAYS (erm.... i mean MONTHS =D ) of studying are not wasted. Well, to you peeps out there who still have exams, Good Luck and study hard!

It's a waste that I can't go home for summer, since I need to conduct my research project during summer. Another 4 long months of work and torture before going home. Oh, how I miss the smell of chicken rice, wan tan mee and nasi lemak from back home~ Yum yum yum~ Well, what to do other than to wait for another 150 days to pass, and ~Home Sweet Home~ alas...

Back into perspective, spending 250 days here has really been, how would I put it, 'interesting'? I can truthfully say that everything that i encountered here has been one of a kind experience. So the question arises, what have I learnt in my 250 days of staying here in the UK? To count and explain each one of them would be a bother and time consuming, so let's sum it up to my "Top 7 Interesting Stuffs that Happened here in UK For Me" shall we? =)

7. Learn how to cook decent food and even bake too!- Since back home we have 'mamaks' everywhere, I actually rarely cook or even don't cook at all. The baking part was just an added incentive. Even sister was shocked =)

6. DotA and play online games less frequent - No cybers or people to play with. So yea, I seriously haven't touched it in months and NOT missing it one bit. On the bright side, I can have ALL of my spare time allocated for my 'beloved' assignments (somehow feels like I just declared that I have close to null social...)

5. In love with ASDA chicken and turkey hams - These two has been my daily breakfast since Day 1 being here. 6 pieces of bread, and 6 slices of ham and breakfast's all set. Well, there's the occasional cornish pies (^O^)

4. I miss going to the gym and sweating my body out =D - Well, that not something interesting, but heck who cares about my random rambling here~ I used to work out like 3 to 4 times a week, but here, I only get to work out about 2 to 3 times a week, (sometimes only once or none at all if I'm too busy with my assignments). Yet, even with the lack of exercise, I can still shrink down to a mere 61 kg...~WHAT A SHOCKER~

3. Dim Sum in a foreign country tastes better than back home - You heard me right all-right. It's not because that I miss eating it and it's causing me to love it even more, but it really IS THAT GOOD! Maybe the people here have more skill than the Dim Sum cafes and stalls from back home? Anyhow, it's also cheaper here :D

2. Toilet cubicles back home have water hoses or faucets accompanying toilet rolls to clean up after your ~'AHEM'~ business, but here, you will only find toilet rolls - It's a bit on the culture difference side, but plain wiping is still dirty! Try to imagine small bits and pieces got left behind in your pants and you have TO DEAL WITH IT while spending the the entire day sitting down, walking and scratching your arse. The only way to get fully cleaned will be taking a bath during god knows when~

and finally, the most interesting of all IS...

1. Everyday is a battle between saying "Thanks" and "Cheers" - Seriously, I don't really get the whole time-specific usage thing. Can't even tell the difference at all sometimes. So which is actually which? Confused~ @.@

Well, not so juicy or interesting as I firstly imagined it would be. Way to pass the time while my laptop spends the past hour simulating some results for my demo tomorrow. Well, Guess I have to make it up in my next post, wouldn't I? So, stay tuned for "Top 5 Things about Simon Lee", WAHAHAHA Excuse the spark of insanity here as I haven't been on a holiday break for 3 months....


1 comment:

Setsuna F Seiei said...

You got me at arse! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha