
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Just pull the trigger


and I'm dead....

Stress from project(S) are piling up like mad and Uni kinda cheated me on something. Felt like shooting myself, but there isn't any gun lying around. So, the next best cure... Russian Roulette by Rihanna. What better cure than letting someone else shoot you and let them do all the dirty work for ya'. Well blog more next time. Haiz....


TC Tham said...

go for the polish roulette!! hehehe

anyway.. back to the topic..

persevere!! you can do it!! shimin shalt not fall to such trivial stumbles of life. =D

Unknown said...

haha, shimin is not that great. He stumbles at and over every some pebble in life. Who doesn't enjoy falling gracefully every single time? :O