
Saturday, January 23, 2010

The final week

Not really in the mood to update, but this'll only take 10 mins of my time. =S

Just 1 more week and all ties to my first term officially ends. With this submission of my final 2 assignments, I'll finally have it all behind me ^^. Well, I'm not actually complaining, but it's been kinda tough. Try putting up with some unfair marking scheme, where you went and helped someone who's bad in English and programming, fixed his program (well, 90% of it!), even helped out fixing with his report, and he ends up with marks at the top of the class! When asked why, tutor just said, "I gave you higher expectations. That's all.". Grr... does that even consult me? >=(

Well, at least I started off on a better track for the other assignment. Managed to over do it by a few notch since I read the instructions wrongly! Haha, go figure huh? I guess now I have more things to write for my Optimization methods assignment. Speaking of which, this tutor of mine really shocked me today. He actually speaks mandarin! Ironically enough I can't, but in return, he does understand a bit of cantonese =)

To put it simple the highlight of the week would be --> I actually got asked if I want to do a partnered research with this tutor of mine. Well, optimization design for actual industrial applications wasn't really where I planned to head for my future. Still, it's a good oppurtunity to start something relatively good or maybe as a side interest? Never hurts too much to do a side industrial based project, rite? He even added that I can further it as a PHD project with him. Should I, or I mean, Could I actually do it? Seriously too much for my brain to digest at the moment. I've got time till June to decide after all. Hmm.... Any opinions?

P/S : I actually miss the snow. Why the hell is it ONLY 8 degrees in winter!

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