
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tang Yuan-less Winter

Christmas Break has begun, and still no 'Tang Yuan' in sight. =(

For those who do not know, the 'Tang Yuan' is a Chinese traditional food made from glutinuos rice flour. The fluor is then mixed with water, and rolled into small little balls. Sometimes, it's even filled rock candy, sesame paste or sweet red bean paste! Yum Yum! - Ref from my best buddy, Wikipedia =)

Well, there's always next year right? So, Ever since Christmas Break started on Friday, I've been literally eating like a PIG!!!! (Quote Miss Sonia). So, once Friday class finished, Hakim called us few guys and Amanda out for a movie. We watched Avatar at the Corner house which cost us 7.20 pounds. (Had to pay an extra 80p for the 3d goggles). 80p's only like RM 4.50 so I didn't mind it. Actually, no one minded!

Well, it's better made then GSC's though! (hush~ hush~ ^^) It's much more comfortable, cheaper, and it's not a rental. i repeat, NOT A RENTAL! So we actually get to KEEP the cool shades. Well for Hakim, he loved wearing them, but i prefer my Vincci Shades more =P

Avatar was Cool! Putting the fact that I only watch a movie once every fortnight the most, I still enjoyed it. I can literally imagine myself there in the movie! (Oh wait, that's just the 3D Glasses speaking..). Still, 8.5/10 rating from me! And guess what, Iron Man 2 is COMING SOON! Here comes the all awaited War Machine, Major Fury and of course..... Black Widow! Add in Hawkeye, Destiny and the old gang and we've got Iron Man 3 not too far in the future too!

Sneak Peak of War Machine!
(sedang 'membatu' at the sight of the armaments!)

Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow
(membatu at something else now ^.^" )

Well, after the movie, we had a whopping dinner at Pizza Hut. Intended to save up money, so didn't plan to spend more than 6 pounds. In the end we ordered till 9 pounds each! (SWT!!!!!! My maths failed liao!). Still I didn't mind much, since I got to eat a lot!!!! Also found out that poor thing Amanda only ate brussel sprouts for the past few days, due to assignments and all =[ . So I 'think' she was contented with me.... gua.

Off to Saturday now. Housemates all went to ASDA for some grocery shopping in the early afternoons. Hours later, (yes, HOURS!) they returned with two whole buttered chickens! So, with the season of Christmas in motion plus two friggin whole birds and you'll get --> ROASTED CHICKEN FOR DINNER!! Yup, yup, in the end we had whole chickens for dinner and oh boy, it sure tasted good! Add 1k more calories to my diet, wahahah!

Still, they were many leftovers as the bird was relatively large! So we used packed them up for the next day. On Sunday Erwin made a BIG wok of chicken fried rice for all of us to enjoy! (What a poultry delight!). From roasted chicken to heavily flavored Chicken Rice! The best comes lasts, which was on Monday. After 2 failed attempts to go to Alferton, a few of us finally managed to do it! We actually went to the Chinatown Restaurant for a 'light' and long sought dim sum lunch. Pathetic isn't it? =)

For some reason, dim sum unlike back in Malaysia can only be enjoyed in the afternoons. Weirder, some people here calls it 'Dim Sims'. o.O

Although it is in pounds and we ordered like mad (hehe!), but still it was worth it! Not only that the prawns used were so succulent and fresh, they even tasted better than Taman Paramount's or SS2's! From AUTHENTIC egg tarts, to succulent siu mai with har gou, apetizing pei tan porridge, REAL chee cheong fun and so many others, OhLaLa~ Top that up with the 50% discount we got from the manager, it was truly Heaven~

Siu Mai!!!!

Har Gou

Porridge ^^

The Aftermath 2hours later =))

It was nice to enjoy Dim Sum after 3 months long months~ I'm so going there again, since it's just a 15 min walk from my place. Finally, there you have it! My eating fiesta for past 4 days straight. Now I have to deal with the after effects --> my brand new tummy! [ Oh wait, there's still Christmas Eve and Boxing Day Dinner! ] Wahahha! Guess I'll double my workout next year to compensate then =P

Signing off,
~ Guy with new proud belly~


swartz said...

you hsve some delicious foods going on here man. And some of the pictures are pretty awesome to dog

Unknown said...

Haha, thx! I'm still a beginner in blog picture taking