
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Last week of term

"This's the season to be jolly, far lalalala~ Lalalala~" ---> NOT!

Ok, I'm down to my final week of my first out of 4 sems. Logic dictates that I should be most busy during this time, as sem finals and assignment datelines are approaching. NOT! Truth be told is that all of my modules this sem are assignment based. Hence, I don't have to indulge myself hours in the library studying~ (Yet, at least ==" ).

On the other hand, I have 3 heavy programming assignments which are due after New years. There goes my Christmas plans down the drain.... Did I mention that one of them is a currency exchange predictor assignment? =D

Random Grumbling : I So wanna travel around UK a bit!!! Why don't I have many contacts here! Mataku.....

Taken from Christmas Market. This brings pain to a whole new level!

Speaking of Christmas Plans, was supposed to be down in London during early this month and Manchester for Christmas Celebs. Due to some unexpected stuffs, nothing happened. Ce Dong made an unexpected visit over from London,so no point going there then. Also got tight on budget ever since I got forced to buy a 50 pounds book. Jeez, who would spent 50 buckaroos for a lousy 'INTRODUCTION to Programming'? Oh wait, that's unlucky me.... =(

So, till I (we, the related housemates) sit down and discuss Christmas plans over Sunday dinner, life is as boring as ever....

P/S :Oh yea, anyone knows how to straighten hair? My top's getting bit too heavy and I don't wanna cut it yet...


Setsuna F Seiei said...

You have no idea how not alone you are in having to submit 3 assignments after new years and it pains me to hell... To have to work over xmas but life goes on. Oh well, at least you don't have to worry about the Ion Cannon.

Unknown said...

Remind me to nuke them off from orbit by New year's. I don't like the idea of a giant particle cannon like that over my head while I sleep every night =(