
Monday, October 26, 2009

English classes

Who would have expected that I would need to take English classes again! Well, since I entered Uni without taking TOEFL, IELTS or wateva exams they have out there, guess I can't complain much, can I? Seems like getting A1 in both 1119 and SPM English wasn't good enough for them =P (Don't kill me for that yet! ^^ )

Almost forgot to mention. The REAL reason in taking up the class is because it's compulsory! Yup, you've heard me right. They made us take up the lesson due to 3 easy reasons

1) We need to write our Master's Thesis (okay, acceptable la)

2) English is not our first language (say what?!!??!)

3) and...... we MSc students have too mush free time wor =="

So, first classes were at late evenings last Monday. Classes ended at 12 pm, and I had to wait for another 3 hours for the next class, which was English with Miss Lezli. Thankfully someone lent me some bed at her home to rest for a few hours, HAHA! Rolled about, and slept till 3 before going back to Uni. Finally met her her for the first time (ok was second time actually, if I counted the 5 mins induction talk with her on 1st week of uni =D)

Surprisingly, during a minor chit chat with her, I got commented on my English, which was -->

"I can't believe how insanely good your English is!"

Haha, felt like flying at that time. LOL! There was a second of such encounter, when I visited the International Supports Office to complain about my scholarship. It happened just a few days before. My scholarship which has been approved on my visa letter, apparently has not been registered in the system! After a 20 min complaining to them, the 'kind' ladies finally asked back....

"Are you a local student to begin with?"

WTH!!! If i was, I wouldn't be here right?!?! (Luckily I didn't say that, after all she DID made me wait for like 2 weeks for this mmess to be solved!) Surprisingly she remarked that she only said that cause I spoke flawlessly wor... HAHA!!! AHEM.... Back to my point, really felt happy and dancing on Cloud 9, but in a wrong way =P (Not the candy Cloud 9, KAY!)

Anyways, today was the first offical class and we were just given a small workshop on how to deal with the academic faculty and staffs during times of need. One particullar exercise was to write an e-mail. The question given to us was...

You are sending an e-mail to your tutor to tell them that you will not be attending classes because you had an argument with your boyfriend/girlfriend and you do not want to go out. You've been crying and your eyes are puffy. Write your e-mail.

Since guys don't get puffy eyes, we got a new question instead ^^

You are sending an e-mail to your tutor to tell them that you will not be attending classes because you had an argument with your girlfriend and you do not want to go out. You've been crying and your girlfriend had hit your eye with a frying pan. Write your e-mail.

So, mine went as follows:

Dear E*****, (My course coordinator)

I am Shi Min, LEE (student number N02*****) from the Msc. Cybernetics and Communications program. I am writing this uneventfull email to notify that I will not be able to attend your classes for the next few days. This is due to an argument I had with my spouse. During the unforgetfull clash, I was unluckily hit in the face by a stray-flying frying pan! Due to my subsequent injuries, I've decided not to attend any classes for the time being to recuperate at home.

I deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused. Thank you.



Great, it was my 1st class, and I've already got hit by a frying pan! =D Putting that aside, trying to your professor that you fought with your girlfriend, AND got hit by a frying pan AND got a black-eye from it, AND making it sound FORMAL, is FREAKING HARD!!!!! Try doing that one day, and you'll see what I mean! (You'll die from laughter!) Of cause that I could have PURPOSELY changed a few words here and there to make it more 'flavourful', but I think I would get kicked out from the class ^^

Well, off back to the city now, Ciaoz!

P/S : If you thought this was stupid and a bit funny, wait till you see my ranking list on "rank the following sessions in order, according to how much YOU are expected to contribute(to talk!) ^^

1 comment:

Ir. Dr. K.C. Ng said...

Hey hey, what's your msn?