
Saturday, October 10, 2009

2 Weeks in Nottingham

Wow, 3 whole weeks has actually passed. Life in the UK's is quite entertaining. Less traffic, convenient transportation services, extremely kind folks (Sometimes TOOO kind!) and too much fast food! There's a Starbucks and Subway on every subsequent streets! So, you can practically get it anytime and anywhere!

Enjoying my Double Choc Mocha at Old Market Square

As you've noticed from my first statement, it is totally contradictory with the blog post title right? Well, thanks to my unstable 20 Mb/s line by Virgin Media, Totally can't upload photos at all. Try uploading the same 5 photos every 15 mins to just find out that all of them has been corrupted. What a piss off man! I would go to campus and do it though, if it's not but the 45 mins public transportation time to reach there...... (Nvm la.... Must pre-se-vere....)

Cam W-ing in my toilet =P

So activities for the 1st 2 weeks were quite fun. Instead of too much words (like i usually do) lets sum it up in a nutshell using a visual post shall we? =)

1) Settled in my Accomodations in the city

(will upload later, after i clean up the mess from unpacking =.="" )

2) Got My Smart Card and settled my fees

My Student Card (after some editting of coz ^^)

3) Cooked for the first time in ages ^^

1st hand made dinner, Tossed Maggee Mee with salte'd mushroom & potatoes and bit of steamed vegies ~

Penne with chicken Meatballs, Chicken Ham and Brussel Sprouts
(It's quite healthy kay! =P)

Spaghetti Goreng~
(by Yee En and Elaine)

Indo Mee with chicken and beef curry & meatballs~

Penne with white cream sauce and Basil

~I actually still have some pics of my mashed potato, garden salad, Rendang chicken and all ~
~ but I rather not show them ~
~Don't wanna make people jealous =P ~

4) Got to visit my Clifton Campus and visited my School of Science and Technology.

Not much things to show. Just wait for the pics of the modified X-Box and PS3's!

5) Went for Saturday Antics

Many people were here to celebrate a sort of mini sports day

Seems like a lost kid ventured into the place ^^

Me trying out the surf machine. Only can last till magnitude 10 =(

Mini Rock-Climbing (Haven't tried that in AGES!!!)

In the end, got myself a face painting of a Croc
(and for those who've been asking, it's NOT a GREEN SH*T ON MY FACE!!! JEEZ!!!)

6) Went for Nottingham Trent Malaysian Society Welcome Dinner at Bonzai

I'm somewhere there, buried in the background T-T

Let's see, we had nasi lemak, curry chiken, fried chicken, sushi, mee goreng, ............ ^^

Haha, barely escaped from someone smacking my face for the camera ^^

So, that's a wrap for my first 2 weeks here. It's been good so far, and I'm hoping for more things to class. Maybe i'll blog about my classes next time ^^. It's sure an interesting class though. No locals, and have to relearn C++ for the first 3 months.

Newayz, I think i got the flu! Been sniveling with headaches accompanying it for a few days di. Thankfully I'm getting better by the minute ^^

P.S: Maybe the sudden outbreak with a flu have something to do with my graduation that I'm missing tomorrow? Just a feeling though ^^

The leaves of autumn
~Yay! Winter is coming! ~


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