
Sunday, June 14, 2009

<><> Stressed <><>

I'm really at a bulkward right now! Just recently found out that my convocation is at 25th of October. Happy, Joyfull, Sad, Stunned or Speechless you ask? I have practically no idea on what to do at all right now. So many things rushing through my head. Torn in the idea of attending it and skip my Masters intake or vice versa. No thanks to the 'brilliant' people who cleverly devised this plan, I virtually have no possible freaking way to attend both. (So freaking mad now!!! So many people were looking forward to it. Grr..)

My NTU course intake would start sometime in late September or as late as early October Problem is, the Graduation Ceremony is at the end of Oct! (Clash Much!). How i wish time would just stop right here and now for me to decide. And again, no one does really care about my dilemma, do they? =(

Too tired from bearing all too myself again. Wondering why no one ever shares the same visions as him. Lately I've been meeting a lot of people who just condemns people who they don't understand at all into the "He/She is just one kind" category. WTF man, just because other people grew up differently, who gave you the right and higher up position to classify other people. Because of this ridiculuos attitude, I've seen too many people around me get shove aside during conversations, given weird stares, ignored during outings and the list goes on. Shows to prove that we are not matured enough yet to think for the sake of others. Haiz....

That question reminds me of a mind boggling thing that I suddenly remember.... This thing's been bugging my mind for months as I still can't find an honest answer. Maybe an Einstein out there can help me with it =)

"If we can love someone so much, how will we be able to handle thet one day when we will be seperated? And if being seperated is a part of life, and you know seperation well, is it possible for us to love someone and never be afraid of losing them?

At the same time, I'm also wondering if it's possible that we can live our entire life without loving anyone at all?

That's my loneliness...."

So, let me end this blog with a Digi brand man hole cover above. Guess they ventured out from the mobile networking services. ^^

1 comment:

Setsuna F Seiei said...

I'm no Einstein... But love comes and goes I suppose... If love is meant to be at this moment, then it will happen... But a world without love... well... I guess that is slowly becoming a reality... What people call love nowadays... Really isn't what love really is anymore...

When you love someone very much, naturally you are afraid of losing them... But if you mean separation when the loved one passed on... Then it is by the strength of your love that allow you to able to let go of them... Knowing they are in a better place and knowing that they will want you to live your life and not think of the past.

Hope this helps... Or at least it gives u reason to think there is a commenter lurking in your blog... he he he... *lurks*