
Saturday, June 6, 2009

Part 2 - Mum's Big Month

This month was kinda special for my Mum. Firstly, it was Mother's Day and it's her Birthday on the 17th! For Mother's Day, whole family just went out somewhere in KL for a Dim Sum and Chinese Styled Lunch. It was at Thai Thong in Menara 'What'sItsName'. Can' really have any 'yan jong' of it right now =S

After an entizing and super filling lunch, headed over to some shops for shopping ^^. Day ended with a trip to Jalan Pudu, where we had it's famous Prawn noodles. For just 6 Ringgit, we got a big bowl of noodles and GIANT PRAWNS!!! I'm not kidding about the size. According to Dad, the stall here has been opened for quite a number of years. The curry is so good that even the pot that they use is BIG!

They refill this like few times a day @.@
(Imagine how muuch soup I can drink ^^)

As for Mum's Birthday, went over to Hartz in Sunway Pyramid for an all you can eat Chicken Buffet. After that day, I didn't wanted to see or even touch a chicken like for a whole freaking week! Chicken wings, salad bar, ice cream, cakes, pies, and more chickens... Luckily, we went shopping through the whole New and Old Wing before going back. That managed to give me some after burns from the heavy chicken meal. =P

Nothing much to say about that day. Too many details from shop to shop that I forgot, so just leave it be ^^
Hartz, Sunway Pyramid, LG Floor

Mum's Big Day

This time with me in the pic too ^^

1 comment:

Setsuna F Seiei said...

your dad looks so sad... Is he alright? And your sis (pink shirt) looks bored. Both also grown a lot since I last saw them. Hehehe