
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Feb Updates - Part I CNY Celeb'

Haha, another 2 weeks of hiatus. Oh man, I seriously lack tenacity in converting to a blogger of minimal standards! (blames guy in the mirror!)

So, 2010's CNY has arrived! This year, for the first time in my entire life, I'm celebrating it away from home! No hot Kampar weather, accident prone Puching roads, nor traffic-ky Seremban highway trips! Just the cold and shivering air here in Nottingham! What else can anyone ask for? =) (Jeez, who am I kidding huh? ~T.T~ )_

As expected, being far from home lacks the joyous mood! On the first morning of CNY (Malaysian 8am time, which is like 12 am here in UK) tried skyping with parents who should be in Kampar by then. After numerous failed attemp, decided to just skype call them. Was fun to hear their voices, along with my grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins who were all getting ready to start off the CNY morning celebrations.

After a while, (an hour and a half~) the call ended, and I decicded to text CNY message over skype to some close friends back in Malaysia. Apologies to those who didn;t receive, as I only had credit left for 5 texts~ So, those lucky 5 better reward me in some way when I get back in Nov!

CNY eve was another thing to take note of. Normally chinese would have vegetarian meals, early yee sang or some other celebration related food. But No~~~ Housemates decided to go for a Mediterranian Buffet Lunch~ XD

As expected, OMG, WTF, FTW, WTH LMAO the usuals la~ Thankfully the place opens late and could only accomodate us for an hour before shooing us off with brooms, parangs and sticks! (Ok, maybe no parangs or sticks, but I sure remembered a large broom! =D ) Well, venue cvhanged to the local buffet restaurant Big Wok, where we actually had some chinese themed dishes :p. During the 2 hour lunch progressions, you'll be amazed on how many times the owner announced someone's birthday over the mic! It was like TGI Fridays, where everyone sang, the staff cheered, and the finale of cake being brought to the table.

On CNY itself, went out with some friends to the local Dancing Dragon Restaurant. Had some spicy Sze Chuan style dishes, and as expected, it's SUPER SPICY! I think by now, everyone knows that I have an instant reaction to spicy food. Even though I totally love them, I sweat proportionally to the amount of chili in my food! So, go figure! I actually sweated up a storm!

~CNY dumplings~

~Spicy Sze Chuan Chicken~

~Spicy Sze Chuan Tofu~

~Regular Sze Chuan Kailan~ =P

~Regular Tomato Fish~

After the CNY lunch, we moved on to some bowling at the local 10 Pin and Quasar Entertainment Centre. When we got there, it was totally full, and we had to play snooker instead! Top that up with the triple berry Slurpee I had (Blackberry, strawberry and raspberry), the evening was quite fun!

Later that night, we went on Nottingham Uni in Beeston. They were having some calligraphy gallery for show to the public and as well as some mini marathon games. 12 booths were set up in the Portland Building where guests have to compete in all of them to stand a chance of winning an I-Pod shuffle! Games ranged from simple card games, guessing games, musical chairs, picking up marbles with chopsticks, darts, Guitar Hero, blowing ping-pong balls on water, and other interesting ones.

Was a waste that we went there at 8pm, as there wasn't enough time to play all the games, XD ! Was just contented with watching other people (both Chinese and non-Chinese) getting together and play all those games. Well, then came dinner time, where we just strolled around the Eye of Nottingham (new ferris wheel in town!) and had some 'fan-hap' for dinner. Nothing much interesting happened for the next few days, so I'll just fast forward to next post......


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