
Friday, July 17, 2009

The Last Requiem has been played

Yahoo! Today was the last day of training! Thank You Dr. Christine for the last 2 weeks of what I considered 'fun', HAHA!

So today started off rough by waking up late. Normally I would wake up at 6 to beat the jam, but I been waking up at 8 instead to skip the jam =) Doesn;t really matter as class starts at 9.30 or so, giving me ample of time! However, today was special..... I woke up at 9.30 instead !!!! Haha, no more late night activities, LOL

Luckily arrived in class just 5 minutes before everyone went off for a 15 minute break. Nice timing. Lunch time came, and It was my first time having lunch with my lecturer. Whats more is it's not my E&E Lect, but Dr. Christine, the Deputy Head of the S&C engineering =P

Us at Ajisen

Lunch at Ajisen was super interesting. Jokes went around, Oocha drinking competition and everyone got their fair share of teases. Somehow Steven from year 2 got the most of it =)

Okay, maybe i got some fair share of it =)

Posing silly >=D

On my way back to class, my belt actually snapped all of a sudden ( and NO~~~ It's not because I ate a lot during lunch =_= ). Guess it knows how to commemorate the last 2 hours of training =D. Goodbye my belt which I had for 3 months. You'll be missed... sob... sob...

Upon returning to college, class continued and ended 1 hour later, because Dr. Christine had to go back to 1U to see the Art & Design Final Year students exhibition. Off she goes to 1U again. Class ended at 3.30 and CELEBRATION!!!! AHAKZ!~

Being the smarty 'pants' I am for the day.... Went to Curve to buy my new belt. Got a slick Black belt that cost reasanably good from FOS. then off to gym at Fitness ^^. Arg.... had to wait like 30 mins for one of the machine. So dulan! Anyways, dinner was at Vivo's, an american styled restaurant. A bit pricey, but all worth it. Their fish dishes are SUPER AMAZING! (8.5/10 Rating) the missing 1.5 marks according to Eujin who was with me was for the over bright interior deco. >=D (Seriously recommend it to all!)

On the way back, stopped by Asam Pedas to listen to the Live Band. Am so much in love with the lead singer's voice~ Not everyone can sing and perform in front of live passer-bys liek her k... Finally found a possible Friday night activity --> going to Curve 'Makan' and listen to the live band ^^ (FYI, for those who are BM illeterate, it means eat or dine!). She's really enchanted me in some way, even though she's not THE BEST. I think I'll upload a short clip of her singing to Facebook later on.

Even had time to meet some friends at TTDI plaza's Eckywoobee. Haha, had a nice compliment from the girls "You look like a 19 year old kid! What did you do?" and "You are cute!" . LOLZ!!!!! Never had such compliments before in my entire life! Maybe I ter-self perasaan, but who cares!?! I enjoy this type of compliments once in a while. So, bug off face k?

Newayz, time to sleep. Got a busy day ahead. Meeting my education agent, fetching sisters, cooking a 3 course meal for family and going to watch Potter Berbulu tomorow. Nitez peepz.


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