
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Cheering on for the Nott Games!

31st August was the Malaysian Nottingham games, here in the UK's. Well, before going off to the games, the Malaysian Society had a small gathering and free food for the players. Of course, it's traditional to cheer on the players right? (They said cheer on our players like Football, Badminton and tennis, but i signed up for Scrabble, so how ah? HAHA)

Pic taken on that night. Credits to Ryan!

Well. the Nott games went on fairly well. Had to wake up at 4.30 in the morning to catch the 6 o'clock bus. Registration for the event was supposed to start at 7, so that was the best timing. As one would conclude, the equation below came true man! =="

Malaysian Event + Loads of Malaysians + Malaysian Timing = Malaysian Styled Lateness

Haha, no offense for my fellow country mates, but it was true! The whole thing got postponed for 45 mins. (Deng, didn't need to wake up so early la =D ). Anyways, after a short Negaraku Anthem, speech by the Chancellor of Nottingham University, and another speech by the Minister of Sports, the games BEGAN!

(Bet'cha you didn't know that our current Prime Minister was from Nottingham!)

Morning Crowd. Had about 700 ppl wor...

The Hall that fitted us all

Row of chancellor, minister and Malaysian Athletes who came to support

Rachel and Amanda
(2 of the 6 ppl from KBU who came to Nottingham. Who knew? ^^)

We were kinda give Malaysian Flags, but never used them =)
(Our China Friend on the left looks like she never seen one before, haha)

So, I went off to my Scrabble Competition, which was a total loss. They planned it such as the first round would be a 4 way elimination on each table. That way, they could cut the amount of players down to just 1 quarter! SO, my first set of opponents were a student from Oxford (Scary!), a Scrabble State Player from Penang Medical College, PMC (he got 2nd runner up in the day's competition), and an ENGLISH TEACHER!!!! What a nice way to start off the competition =="

After an wonderful round (Seriously!), I went back to help the society with the food stall at the Malaysian Food Fair. Wasn't much of a help actually, coz I was selling Sushi. (Why sell Japanese food in a Malaysian Food Fair? I still can't get it >.< )

Me 'helping' out

Anyways, the best highlight of the evening would be badminton. Get to watch Xiong Ling, who not only represents our Malaysian Society, but also the NTU Badminton Club in the regional competitions lately ^^. She's really good, as she didn't need to take off her jacket to play until the semi-finals. Did I mentioned that she barely even sweated on each round? Too bad she lost to Mancester U in the finals~ Good game!

Talking about badminton, I totally HATE MACU SWANSEA!!!! (hope none of them reads this~) So, the thing is, It's a MALAYSIAN game, so why on earth did you send team(s) with all NON-MALAYSIANS? Even one of the best team, which has our Malaysia Junior Player in it lost badly to them. I seriously felt like foul-thrashing them on the spot! Worst part of all, there was this middle aged man sitting right next to me, he kept cheering the NM team on! Until when he realized that EVERYONE ELSE is rooting for their own home team, he 'curi-curi' support back Malaysia. Where's the pride in that?!? Guess Sportmanship's gone this year =(

On a bright note, got to meet an ol' fren of mine who's studying in Imperial College London (Best Engineering Uni!) Too bad he was the only one. Was expecting to meet another 4 friends of mine who are here in the UK's, but too bad~

31st of October was so happened to be the Halloween Night as well! So everyone dressed up in their spookiest or cutest costumes to celebrate the night. Well, all but not me! Didn't find time to go buy myself a costume, so just wore something that I don't usually wear. Pai seh with my look for the night......

Anyways, we just celebrated the night at Oceana Club, which is also the biggest club in Nottingham City! Didn't drink much, but sure partied all night long~ I think we were there till like 3 a.m. Although I actually got gastric and felt tired by 1, still enjoyed myself! It's been a long while since I went anywhere to club, and I sure missed the atmosphere of it!

Halloween Look. (I don't normally wear like that kay!)

Oceana's Main Dance Floor
(one of the 4 dance floors they have)

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