
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Weeping? Life's too short (Part 1)

Currently taking a break from life, as I only have 2 months left to settle all of my deligations here in Malaysia. So far, everything's going well, pending for Visa applications and leaving on Sept 30th, midnight. Anyways, putting that aside is something that peeked my curiosity while i was watching Tree Hills on TV.

It's always been my usual weekend routine, watching the 1 hour English Series, or 30 minutes Sitcoms. Usual weekend shows like Gray's Anatomy, The Mentalist, Smallville, CSI Miami, One Tree Hill, Two and A Half Men, and How I Met Your Mother has always accompanied me without failure. During this particullar episode on Tree Hill, they were using a phrase to portray the passing and remembrance of one of the main characters. This interesting phrase was "those who do not weep, do not see", quoted from Les Miserables (The Miserable Ones).

When searched online, only this turned up:
"Original version comes from Victor Hugo is : "Qui ne pleure pas ne voit pas". Just before he explains that some people can live without see all misery around them and he adds : "God eclipses their souls". So it means you can live happy but like an egoist avoiding to see your neighbor dying."

(answer courtesy to Yahoo Answers)

Well this got me thinking for a while. Lately it's been a habit of my frens to let their ego get the better of them, and it is starting to tear each and everyone of them apart. For those who don't quite get it, egoism is the behavioural pattern of trying to make oneself seem special to not only himself, but mainly towards others. This normally leads to self centereness, selfishness and hard headness to be sensitive towards other's opinions.

Still, the real thing that peeked through my mind when I heard that phrase was my late grandmother. For me, it didn't really hit me that down deep. Just the surface of the words, which literally translates to embracing emotions around you to actually understand what to feel reminded me of her passing. Because of my child-teenage life trauma (maybe that's too dramatic of a word!), I always kept all of my emotions, especially the sadness of it all bottled up.

My beloved grandmother was from my mother's side. To me, she was always nurturing and caring no matter what her children said or did around her =). Ever since I could remember, she has always been there. Well, this post is getting rather long. Will continue it on Part 2 next time...
To Be Continued

1 comment:

Setsuna F Seiei said...

Awaiting your second post.

And I'm sure your childhood wasn't a really bad tragedy... Maybe think of it as a cloud (or several) in silver lining. They shape you into what you are today and for me... You're not a very bad person and cool to hang out with. Haha.

No comment on the ego thing... Though we all have it... Some have it bigger than usual. Hahaha