
Monday, March 23, 2009

Interesting Day

Today was quite a special day. Woke up at about 8.30 to prepare for college (Classes starts at 11 -.-"). Since I had to leave from Puchong, so have to wake up early kay. Anyways, fully prepared by 10 and joined parents at local coffee shop for my usual chicken shredded hor fun meal =D. Can't believe that I actually ordered that. Ever since the original 'Popo' who sells it retired due to illness, some weird guy took over as the new cook. Yucks!!! Barely have any taste or flavour left in it. I so miss the ol' Popo's noodles...

So, went back to the BU house at about 10.45, unpacked, went to college afterwards and even managed some time for some coffee. Never had an early coffee in ages man. Felt so refreshed going into Mr. Tham's class for once. ^^

Classes ended at 12.30, and now have to hurry back to Puchong to celebrate sister's birthday. Although the real occasion is tomorrow, Dad decided to celebrate it today, as everyone would be busy tomorrow. Had an awesome dim sum and chinese styled lunch at Thai Thong. The waiter was super blur though. We kept asking for 'Thim Chiong' a.k.a. thick soy sauce for the dim sum, but he kept bringing us bowls of chilli sauce. Real retard...

All ended well, as it was the first time in months the whole family was together for a meal ^^. So, here I went hurrying back to college again. Almost forgot that i promised Kim for ping pong and badminton today :p. After some hectic jam, made it back just in the nick of time. Managed to learn how to play ping pong again. It's been like 10 years since I last play, and i seriously forgot everything! A bit embarass to play, but still managed to win 2 double rounds :p.

Next up was badminton. First had a warm up session with Jason Pang. Bored of waiting for Kim to come back from fetching his wife, continued with another session with Ken Wee and another guy we just met today. In the end played like 4 rounds before he finally came. Walao, a direct 5th round with Kim killed me. lost flat 15 to null. O.O (embarass more than ping pong now...) after some 5 mins rest, played doubles with kim against Pang and Ken Wee. Arg, we deuced at 14 all, and then lost at 6-4. That was a real shame =D

After badminton, Kim decided to bring us to some Korean Restaurant in Sri Hartamas, Mont' Kiara to eat. So we all went back, changed, and assembled again before heading out. I so hate Fords now. A big white one got between me and the gang's cars in a small alleyway, All of a sudden he stopped without warning and didn;t move like for 2 or 3 minutes. By the time he moved, the gang have already long gone. So had to scour around for a while before finally meeting up and found a nice parking space. Kim brought us to some Korean BBQ restaurant called Daorae Restaurant. Was quite nice as I never been such a place before. (Actually once at Alvin's appartment, but it sucks terribly. Sorry Alvin ^^). Finally got the pictures up. Enjoy =P

Daorae Restaurant in Sri Hartamas

Our personal grill

Someone trying to heat it up with 'hei-gung'. Watched too much Dragon Ball, haha

Side dishes to wrap with the meat we ordered

The Daeji Gal Bi (marinated pork with some sauce)

Something like Kimchi Soup, but much milder, the Budae jjige (a.k.a. military soup)

Jason who can't eat spicy bracing himself

My Personal Soup (quite spicy also le, but super nice ^^)

We also got a free Korean Pizza which was quite nice too. Too bad everyone chowed down on it before I could take any photos. So better luck next time. Total bill was about MYR 210, so was considered ok la. KIm said it was way over priced, but what do we know right? We just liked the food >=). So, that's all for now. Ciaoz

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